My trusty crew, John, insisted that we sail the last few miles into the peaceful anchorage at Tresco even though the tide turned against us and progress was slow. We were lucky to pick up the last remaining buoy which allowed us a peaceful night's sleep. Next day we made the most of the fine weather to explore the Tresco Abbey gardens. Just as well as the following day brought stronger winds and very heavy rain. When the sun finally re-appeared at 6pm, everyone rushed ashore to stretch their legs and get a pint at the pub!
The forecast gave us a 48 hour window to get across to Ireland before the next storm, so we set off motoring in very light winds which slowly increased from midday. We had an excellent crossing with lots of dolphins playing in the bow wave. We entered Kinsale harbour after a 24 hour passage and after a brief sleep sought out the very welcoming Kinsale Yacht Club for another pint (or two), chatting with crews from the Sovereign's Cup Regatta whose racing had been cancelled for the day due to 40kt winds..